Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Swich Contemporary Art Space

by Sam Rohweder
I can’t help but feel that many believe you have to come into the heart of Brisbane to experience the best of what the South East region has to offer artistically. Often there is more reward for looking outside the box for inspiration. A fine example of that is The Swich Contemporary Art Space located at the Top of Town, Heritage Precinct in Ipswich. The Swich provides space for local emerging and established artists to exhibit and sell their work.  It is a fully fledged commercial concern in the heart of Ipswich; it offers gallery hire, has a gift shop and provides professional photographic services, advertising and promotion. The Swich staff  are also very involved in keeping the local art community focused and inspired by regularly offering insightful and sometimes thought provoking artist talks in a friendly atmosphere.  The Swich also encourages collaborations and projects, as well as provide a door for local artist to access professional art networks.
"Our conception of a ‘contemporary art space’ is not bound by the notion of location and therefore is not restricted only to art dedicated spaces such as museums, galleries and studios.

It is about transforming spaces and using contemporary art as key elements in changing the perceptions of people and communities—to transform our everyday experiences of space and place." 
                                                          (theswichcontempoararyartspace 2012)

The Swich is driven by two very talented and experienced owners, Gilbert Burgh and LeAnne Vincent. Project Director Gilbert Burgh is a man of many hats as he is Southern Regional Director for Queensland Arts Council, a member of the Community Arts Action Group, is on both the Ipswich Regional Arts Development Fund and Ipswich Art Awards committees and is a friend of the Ipswich Art Gallery. Not to mention his teaching and speaking commitments in Ipswich and Brisbane. While LeAnne Vincent is Gallery Director and photographer and has worked extensively in the public sector. Her professional photographic career has meant that she has exhibited works at The Brisbane Powerhouse, Metro Arts and White Box Gallery just to name a few.
The Swich’s latest Solo exhibition entitled “Eklektikos” is by contemporary painter David Howard, a former QCA graduate, who is now based at the Glasshouse Mountains on the Sunshine Coast. These 30 works are a eclectic mix of works from over his many years of arts practice. You can see how his thought processes go through phases and his work evolves but there is still an enduring frankness that ties all these separate pieces together. I really enjoyed David's down to earth style and lack of pretense. The opening was a busy event and I was surprised to see many of his works were already sold. Unfortunately this exhibition has just closed in preparation for the next; however he has other work in the Artslink Qld Touring Exhibiting program at the moment if you are keen to see his work.
There have been some amazing exhibitions in this beautiful little gallery and one thing I can truly say about The Swich Contemporary Art Space is that all the openings are very well attended by fellow artists, local socialites and buyers. Being such a small gallery space it is common to see the crowd spill out onto the walkway in front on opening night, which always looks encouraging. I believe The Swich Contemporary Art Space is a wonderful backdrop for any practicing artist's exhibition as there is an amazing vibe about the place, or maybe that’s just me.
The Swich Contemporary Art Space is situated in Top of Town precinct with its wonderful Bohemian or “Indie” vibe . Top of Town is growing into a very avant-garde cultural epicenter out in the western region. It's beautiful old heritage buildings, brick paved walkways and old street lamps are centered around the “Old Flour Mill” and filled with eclectic stores. There are quirky boutiques alongside inviting, friendly sidewalk cafes and eateries. The twilight markets on Fridays from 4-8pm have an array of unusual stalls and are true to the “Indie Boutique” style. The Top of Town is definitely growing into the creative heart of Ipswich and The Swich Contemporary Art Space contributes to and benefits from the people that it draws.

The Swich Contemporary Art Space (2012) retrieved October 21, 2012 from

The Top of Town Ipswich

The Swich Contemporary Art Space Facebook page

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